
Francis: "Homosexual Couples Cannot Be Blessed" (sic)

In a second short clip (below) released by '60 Minutes' (in addition to the one on 'conservative' bishops), Francis commented on his homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia Supplicans'. "What I have …עוד
In a second short clip (below) released by '60 Minutes' (in addition to the one on 'conservative' bishops), Francis commented on his homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia Supplicans'.
"What I have allowed is not to bless [a homosexual] union. I cannot do that because it is not a sacrament. I cannot do it. The Lord has made it so. But to bless every person, yes. The blessing is for everyone. For everyone. To bless homosexuals is against the law, against the law of the Church, but to bless every person, why not? The blessing is for everyone. Some people were scandalised by this. But why? For everyone, for everyone".
Francis' dishonesty is even more dislikable than his being unbelieving, rude, ambiguous, divisive, tyrannical, and hypocritical, etc. He knows full well that the text of 'Fiducia Supplicans' is not about blessing a single person, but about 'blessing irregular couples [= unrepentant mortal sinners]'. Couples are defined by their union.
You can't have your cake and eat it too, Your Holiness. 🥴
True Mass
He's a Peronist. Say one thing today the opposite tomorrow. Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no!עוד
He's a Peronist. Say one thing today the opposite tomorrow.
Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no!
עוד 3 תגובות
Phönix ad Zensur
The Big Reset - Movie - deutsch Ein Dokumentarfilm über die Hintergründe der Pandemie und des großen Resets. (The Big Reset Movie - GERMAN version) Es gibt eine Tendenz, in der Bevölkerung, vor allem …עוד
The Big Reset - Movie - deutsch
Ein Dokumentarfilm über die Hintergründe der Pandemie und des großen Resets. (The Big Reset Movie - GERMAN version)
Es gibt eine Tendenz, in der Bevölkerung, vor allem aber bei Medien und Politikern sich der "neuen Normalität" zu unterwerfen, mehr noch, sie möglich zu machen.
So plötzlich und überwältigend das alles zu sein scheint – es basiert auf lange aufgebauten Machtstrukturen und Plänen.
Der Film beleuchtet den Versuch gewisser Eliten den "Großen Reset" durchzudrücken, Strukturen, Mechanismen, Methoden und Realitäten, wie etwa der sog. "Impfstoffe"; er zeigt dabei, dass die "neue Normalität" tatsächlich völlig unnormal, unwissenschaftlich und antidemokratisch ist.
Die Arroganz der Mächtigen greift die Menschenrechte, ja das Menschsein selbst an. Doch ein wichtiges Detail haben sie übersehen: Mehr und mehr Menschen wachen auf, werden sich der Manipulationen und des Betrugs bewusst – und trauen sich darüber zu sprechen.
Eveline Berton
die bösen der welt schließen sich zusammen, um das gute und die guten auszurotten! wer sich dagegen auflehnt wird ermordet werden!
Andreas Steinhof שיתף את זה
עוד 6 תגובות

Unfortunate Norms: Vatican Cannot Find Anything "Supernatural" Anymore

On 17 May, Tucho Fernández published guidelines on alleged supernatural phenomena entitled "Norms for proceeding in the discernment of alleged supernatural phenomena." The main change: Neither the …עוד
On 17 May, Tucho Fernández published guidelines on alleged supernatural phenomena entitled "Norms for proceeding in the discernment of alleged supernatural phenomena."
The main change: Neither the local bishop nor the Vatican will declare that phenomena are of supernatural origin, but the Vatican can authorise the local bishop to declare that a phenomenon is "not supernatural".
There is no provision in these norms for ecclesiastical superiors to give positive recognition to the divine origin of alleged supernatural phenomena, the regulations state.
The second major change is the centralisation of the process, since Francis is the pope of Roman centralism. The local bishop's decisions must be given approval by the Vatican.
The document refers to cases in the 20th century where the local bishop declared a phenomenon to be supernatural, and the Vatican later issued a decision to the contrary. In other cases, a bishop said one thing and his successor said the opposite about the same phenomenon. …עוד
Boanerges Boanerges
The purpose of this is to shake the faith of many and it shows that they really don't believe in God anymore
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
A man who's daily focus is on his genital and the genitals of his associates cannot possible be inspired by the Holy Spirit, nor has the skill to author …עוד
A man who's daily focus is on his genital and the genitals of his associates cannot possible be inspired by the Holy Spirit, nor has the skill to author edifying spiritual material to nourish the true faithful of the Catholic Church. By denying the possibility of supernatural events in the Catholic Church, he is denying the existence of God and His intervention in the unchanging Divine tradition.
עוד 9 תגובות
Arcivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò L’avete sentito: «Un conservatore è qualcuno che si aggrappa a qualcosa e non vuole vedere oltre. È un atteggiamento suicida… chiudersi in una scatola dogmatica». Per …עוד
Arcivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò
L’avete sentito: «Un conservatore è qualcuno che si aggrappa a qualcosa e non vuole vedere oltre. È un atteggiamento suicida… chiudersi in una scatola dogmatica».
Per una volta Bergoglio ha perfettamente ragione: il conservatorismo vuole “conservare” le apparenze esteriori della Tradizione, senza la sostanza dottrinale che la rende viva. Il conservatorismo è l’atteggiamento di coloro che criticano gli eccessi della chiesa sinodale ma si guardano bene dal metterne in discussione le cause, che sono da ricercare nel Vaticano II.
Il conservatorismo è davvero un “comportamento suicida” perché crea una “scatola dogmatica” artificiale, fatta di Novus Ordo ad orientem con casule romane e canti gregoriani e anche di Vetus Ordo; fatta di citazioni selezionate di alcuni documenti conciliari, accidentalmente non contrastanti con il Magistero cattolico di sempre; fatta dell’apoteosi di Giovanni Paolo II e il rimpianto di Benedetto XVI, a cui tutti abbiamo voluto bene. …עוד
Alexa Tes שיתפה את זה

Francis Condemns Himself: "Conservativism [of the 60s] Is Completely Suicidal Attitude"

Norah O'Donell of CBS News asked Francis during an interview that will be published in full next Sunday: "There are conservative bishops in the United States who oppose your new efforts to revisit …עוד
Norah O'Donell of CBS News asked Francis during an interview that will be published in full next Sunday: "There are conservative bishops in the United States who oppose your new efforts to revisit teachings and traditions. How do you respond to their criticism?"
Francis: "They use this adjective 'conservative' [belittling smile]. A conservative is someone who clings to something and does not want to see beyond it. It is a suicidal attitude. Because it is one thing to consider tradition, to consider situations from the past. It is quite another to be locked up in a dogmatic box."
No Pope has lived so much in a "dogmatic box" as Francis, who runs after every ideology of the bygone 1960s, and indeed: this conservatism is suicidal for the Church and its disastrous results are visible to everybody.
Dr Bobus
Francis is certainly interested in conserving the vapid Jesuit slogans of the 1970s. His papacy has reminded me why the Jesuits are dying.
Bichop Vigano says Bergoglio is right abous conservatisme Bishop Vigano says Bergoglio is right about conser…עוד
Bichop Vigano says Bergoglio is right abous conservatisme
Bishop Vigano says Bergoglio is right about conser…
עוד 4 תגובות
Ha Ushpizin - Los Invitados. Ha Ushpizinעוד
Ha Ushpizin - Los Invitados.
Ha Ushpizin
José Luis Mira Torres שיתף את זה
por ver
Pilar ruiz sosa שיתפה את זה
😍 😍
עוד שתי תגובות

Some of Francis' Workers Are Unhappy

A total of 49 Vatican employees are threatening to file a complaint over poor working conditions that "do not respect the basic principles of dignity". The group includes 47 museum guards, a restorer …עוד
A total of 49 Vatican employees are threatening to file a complaint over poor working conditions that "do not respect the basic principles of dignity".
The group includes 47 museum guards, a restorer and a bookshop worker. According to Italian media, they intend to take the Governatorato, the Vatican administration headed by Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, a Spanish Legionary of Christ, to court if they do not receive a satisfactory response to their demands.
In a letter to Vérgez Alzaga, they say that the working conditions in the Vatican Museums are detrimental to the dignity and health of the workers.
They complain that they have been unfairly paid for overtime, that they have not received promotions and that they have to pay back part of the salary they received without working because of the closures during the Covid hysteria. Other Vatican workers may be ready to join the complaints.
The workers write that "legislation regulating the world of work in the Vatican is insufficient …עוד
Billy F
The Whole Kingdom of God is unhappy!

Canton Zugo: una mozione parlamentare chiede l'abrogazione del concordato

Il cantone di Zugo è uno dei ventisei cantoni svizzeri, il più piccolo per superficie, ad eccezione dei due semicantoni di Appenzello Interno e Basilea-Città, ma che occupa il primo posto per ricchezza …עוד
Il cantone di Zugo è uno dei ventisei cantoni svizzeri, il più piccolo per superficie, ad eccezione dei due semicantoni di Appenzello Interno e Basilea-Città, ma che occupa il primo posto per ricchezza, perché svolge il ruolo di un paradiso fiscale all’interno della Confederazione.
Al Consiglio cantonale – il parlamento cantonale – è stata proposta una mozione parlamentare volta ad abrogare il concordato del 1828 con la Santa Sede, per ragioni finanziarie. La proposta è stata avanzata da tre deputati appartenenti rispettivamente ai Verdi, al Partito socialista e ai Verdi liberali, i tre partiti con il minor numero di deputati in questo Consiglio.
Il concordato del 1828
Bisogna innanzitutto ricordare – per chi non è svizzero – che la Svizzera è una Confederazione e che ogni Cantone è uno Stato, certo limitato nelle sue prerogative, ma che ha la capacità di firmare un trattato internazionale come un concordato. Inoltre la Costituzione svizzera risale al 1848 e quindi è successiva al …עוד

Austrian Bishops: Lack of False Deaconesses Is Life-Threatening Problem of the Church

A 15 May synod report of the bishops of Austria strongly supports "sacramental deaconesses", which cannot exist. The Austrian bishops claim to have had "good experiences" with women in leadership …עוד
A 15 May synod report of the bishops of Austria strongly supports "sacramental deaconesses", which cannot exist.
The Austrian bishops claim to have had "good experiences" with women in leadership positions, although everyone knows that envy, pressure, paternalism, careerism, etc. are rampant.
For the bishops these "leadership positions" are still only "a partial answer". They speak of a "women's problem" ("enormous loss of credibility", "massive threat to the mission of the Church") and claim that it would be satisfactorily solved by the [invalid] "sacramental deaconess".
"While the priesthood of women is sporadically mentioned, there is a strong voice, supported by majorities in the dioceses (including the diocesan leadership, Linz deacons), in favour of admitting women to the diaconate". The prelates even claim that the mission of the Church is "made impossible" because women cannot be deacons.
This "ministry, sacramentally conferred by the laying on of hands, must be opened to women …עוד
Billy F
Biblical Deaconettes=Nuns today!
Wilma Lopez
In what should come as no surprise, a community of Benedictine nuns, well along the ‘path to completion’, reject the issues raised by Harrison Butker in his commencement address

Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica rebut Harrison Butker as no one else could | Opinion

Wouldn’t you know, it is the Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica, co-founders of Benedictine …
why do they Rebut him for speaking the truth ?,what do the sisters stand for ?
Looks like the K.C. Star is at it again attacking real Catholics. They were instrumental in getting a former conservative bishop cancel by Francis.
עוד 4 תגובות

Football Player Speaks Truth - National Football League Lets Its Pants Down

Harrison Butker, 28, a talented kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, who attends the Roman Mass, proclaimed some truisms in a speech on 11 May at Benedictine College in Kansas (full video below). The …עוד
Harrison Butker, 28, a talented kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, who attends the Roman Mass, proclaimed some truisms in a speech on 11 May at Benedictine College in Kansas (full video below).
The Kansas City Chiefs are a professional American football team. Butker's common sense provoked a backlash in obscurantist circles in the US, including the oligarchs' propaganda media. Butker said things like:
"I'm able to be the man I am because I've got a wife who leans into her calling. I'm more than blessed with the many talents God has given me. But it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band in junior high school converted to the faith, became my wife and took on one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.
She's the primary educator of our children. She's the one who makes sure I never let football or my business distract me from being a husband and father.
She is the person who knows me best at my core. And it is through our marriage …
more young man should have the courage to speak like him
Wilma Lopez שיתפה את זה
It is obvious that most people commenting negatively upon Harrison Butker’s speech at Benedictine College neither read or listened to it. They are …עוד
It is obvious that most people commenting negatively upon Harrison Butker’s speech at Benedictine College neither read or listened to it. They are responding to headlines, characterizations, and misrepresentations, not to what Butker actually said. Social media has made folks lazy.
עוד 3 תגובות
Lux Fidei

I martiri di Casamari che diedero il sangue per l'Eucaristia

I martiri di Casamari che diedero il sangue per l'Eucaristia Ascolta la versione audio dell'articolo Maggio 1799: sei monaci massacrati tentando …

Poland: Warsaw Goes Anti-Christian

The mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, whose mother was a police informer during the communist regime in Poland, has banned the display of "religious symbols" (= crosses) from the town hall. Since …עוד
The mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, whose mother was a police informer during the communist regime in Poland, has banned the display of "religious symbols" (= crosses) from the town hall. Since the fall of communism, Warsaw is the first city in Poland to do so.
Gazeta Wyborcza reported on 16 May that the discrimination against the cross is justified by the "fight against discrimination".
Trzaskowski is deputy leader of the 'Civic Platform' party, the main component of Poland's ruling coalition under Donald Tusk. Civil servants in Warsaw will not even be allowed to display religious symbols on their desks. All official events must not include any kind of prayer - a sign that the old communist times have returned.
At the same time, homosexual propaganda is imposed. City employees are required to treat a homosexual concubinage as if it were legal and to address transvestites as if they were real men or real women.
Billy F
Wicked Marxists!!!
DefendTruth שיתף את זה
The mayor of Warsaw has banned the display of religious symbols such as crosses from city hall, making it the first city in Poland to do so. He has also …עוד
The mayor of Warsaw has banned the display of religious symbols such as crosses from city hall, making it the first city in Poland to do so. He has also informed officials that they must respect the rights of same-sex couples and people’s preferred pronouns
עוד תגובה אחת
Gli Eletti del Signore
Il Pazzesco peccato dell' Igiene nel Medioevo e al tempo dei ROMANI: Bagni pubblici,uomini e donne. La Madonna di Anguera ha parlato piu' volte degli insegnamentti del passato e uno dei peccati oggi …עוד
Il Pazzesco peccato dell' Igiene nel Medioevo e al tempo dei ROMANI: Bagni pubblici,uomini e donne.
La Madonna di Anguera ha parlato piu' volte degli insegnamentti del passato e uno dei peccati oggi diffusi come normalità è quello dell' Igiene,dove già nel Medioevo fare il bagno uomini di fronte alle donne in pubblico era considerato un normale per la società di allora,ma la Chiesa condanno' i bagni pubblici con tale immoralità.
Mario Sedevacantista Colucci שיתף את זה

Spain: Very Expensive Rosary

José Andrés Calderón has been fined a total of 3,600 euros for praying with others the rosary in public in Madrid. He began the peaceful rosary on the steps of the Inmaculado Corazón de María church …עוד
José Andrés Calderón has been fined a total of 3,600 euros for praying with others the rosary in public in Madrid.
He began the peaceful rosary on the steps of the Inmaculado Corazón de María church in November, during a period of national unrest. The site is a short distance from the headquarters of the ruling Socialist Workers' Party.
Up to 500 people had been meeting regularly until the regime banned the regular rosaries on 27 November. After that the number of participants increased. Some people were arrested and fined. A video of a 60-year-old woman being pushed into a police van was widely circulated online.
A lawyer challenged the ban as a violation of the right to assembly. In December, the Madrid Provincial Court rejected the appeal. People continued to pray.
José Andrés Calderón, the organiser of the event, announced on 15 May that he had been fined 1,200 euros for the third time: "Praying the Rosary is expensive in Spain," he commented.
That same evening he was in the streets …עוד
Louis IX
Peaceful Rosary? Does that not go without saying? (I’d hate to see a violent Rosary. ;). )
Father Karl A Claver
Spain quickly went downhill after Franco died. Our Lady is crying.
עוד תגובה אחת
Oremus pro
Per chi rifiuta la “ profilassi terapeutica Oms”, 30.000€ di multa e 1 anno di carcere Le linee guida globali avranno potere assoluto di applicazioneעוד
Per chi rifiuta la “ profilassi terapeutica Oms”, 30.000€ di multa e 1 anno di carcere
Le linee guida globali avranno potere assoluto di applicazione

Swiss Bishops Want Female Deacons

The Swiss bishops submitted a report to the Vatican on 13 May on the local synod on synodality. Excerpts: - "Synodal decisions that marginalize or exclude people and their experiences, especially women …עוד
The Swiss bishops submitted a report to the Vatican on 13 May on the local synod on synodality. Excerpts:
- "Synodal decisions that marginalize or exclude people and their experiences, especially women, queer people and the socially disadvantaged, are contrary to the mission of the Church."
- "Recognition of the equal baptismal dignity of men, women and queer people must be lived and witnessed in the building of a synodal church."
- "The question of [...] the inclusion of women in all [!] ministries is an important issue".
- "The exclusion of women from the priesthood is no longer understood in many places".
- "The opening of the diaconate to women is to be welcomed when it expresses a development towards the recognition of the equal baptismal dignity of men and women in the Church".
- "A special form of diaconate 'for women' would be seen in the Swiss context as an expression of the relegation of women, as would the gradation of the diaconate in relation to the ordained ministry".
The …עוד
Are we going to have to keep looking at the AI generated photos? If so, bye.
Neo-cons, female D-cons - I am fed up with all this modern stuff.
עוד 4 תגובות
Nuove norme sui presunti fenomeni soprannaturali Nuove norme sui presunti fenomeni soprannaturali - Vatican News Dal nulla osta al giudizio negativo: sono 6 i diversi voti per discernere i casi contenuti …עוד
Nuove norme sui presunti fenomeni soprannaturali
Nuove norme sui presunti fenomeni soprannaturali - Vatican News
Dal nulla osta al giudizio negativo: sono 6 i diversi voti per discernere i casi contenuti nel documento del Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede approvato dal Papa. Di norma, né il vescovo né la Santa Sede si pronunceranno per definire la natura soprannaturale del fenomeno, limitandosi ad autorizzare e promuovere devozione e pellegrinaggi
Vatican News
Vengono aggiornate le norme per il discernimento dei presunti fenomeni soprannaturali: è quanto stabilisce il nuovo documento del Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede, pubblicato venerdì 17 maggio, che entrerà in vigore domenica 19, festa di Pentecoste. Il testo è preceduto da una articolata presentazione del cardinale prefetto Víctor Manuel Fernández, a cui segue l’introduzione, con l’individuazione di 6 diverse possibili conclusioni. Saranno possibili pronunciamenti più rapidi nel rispetto della devozione popolare e, di norma …עוד
Nuove norme sui presunti fenomeni soprannaturali - Vatican News Nuove norme sui presunti fenomeni soprannaturali Dal nulla osta al giudizio negativo:…עוד
Nuove norme sui presunti fenomeni soprannaturali - Vatican News
Nuove norme sui presunti fenomeni soprannaturali

Dal nulla osta al giudizio negativo: sono 6 i diversi voti per discernere i casi contenuti nel documento del Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede approvato dal Papa. Di norma, né il vescovo né la Santa Sede si pronunceranno per definire la natura soprannaturale del fenomeno, limitandosi ad autorizzare e promuovere devozione e pellegrinaggi
Vatican News
Vengono aggiornate le norme per il discernimento dei presunti fenomeni soprannaturali: è quanto stabilisce il nuovo documento del Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede, pubblicato venerdì 17 maggio, che entrerà in vigore domenica 19, festa di Pentecoste. Il testo è preceduto da una articolata presentazione del cardinale prefetto Víctor Manuel Fernández, a cui segue l’introduzione, con l’individuazione di 6 diverse possibili conclusioni. Saranno possibili pronunciamenti più rapidi nel rispetto della devozione popolare e, di norma …עוד

Australia: Archbishop Reaps Hatred for Defending Common Sense

Archbishop Julian Porteous of Hobart, Australia, has denounced a campaign to overturn Christian moral principles. As a result, the enemies of common sense have responded with intense hatred. In a May …עוד
Archbishop Julian Porteous of Hobart, Australia, has denounced a campaign to overturn Christian moral principles.
As a result, the enemies of common sense have responded with intense hatred. In a May 2 pastoral letter ('We are salt to the earth'), Mgr Porteous made statements about human dignity and religious and parental freedom.
For example, he said: "Believing in God as Creator, we see our identity as male and female as a gift. We therefore see efforts to separate gender from biological sex as a denial of the reality of who we are".
And: "God created male and female as sexually complementary. This means that, sexually, we were literally made for the opposite sex".
Mgr. Porteous criticises the radicalised transvestite lobby, child abortion, euthanasia suicide, homosexual pseudo-marriage and the "woke" propaganda that fights against common sense ("traditional values and beliefs").
Homosexual propaganda groups claimed that Mgr Porteous had "stigmatised" them, as if Porteous was responsible …עוד
I respectfully suggest the rest of the Australian Hierarchy awaken from their slumber and follow the courageous Archbishops example.
The good Archbishop Julian is just about the only Archbishop in Australia who is willing to defend the truth. We must keep this faithful bishop in our …עוד
The good Archbishop Julian is just about the only Archbishop in Australia who is willing to defend the truth. We must keep this faithful bishop in our prayers because Australia is governed by Neros and they are worshiped by a minority of woke communists in Australia who would be more than willing to drum up false sexual abuse cases against him, just as they did with cardinal Pell. May his good friend Cardinal Pell intercede for Archbishop Julian.
Eden Leys


Se quelle di Alois Irlmaier (1894-1959) si rivelassero profezie autentiche, sotto effettiva ispirazione divina, potrebbero essere questi i tempi da esse designati. Dopo l'attentato di due giorni fa al …עוד
Se quelle di Alois Irlmaier (1894-1959) si rivelassero profezie autentiche, sotto effettiva ispirazione divina, potrebbero essere questi i tempi da esse designati.
Dopo l'attentato di due giorni fa al Primo Ministro della Repubblica slovacca, Robert Fico, potrebbe essere evidente la connessione delle sue profezie con tale evento.
Non è semplice trovare le esatte parole del veggente bavarese, che, comunque, sembrerebbero essere quelle, che seguono; ovviamente, sono una successione di frasi-didascalia, nel senso che descriverebbero approssimativamente l'essenza delle immagini, che evidentemente gli scorrevano davanti agli occhi dell'anima.
“Tutti invocano pace, Shalom! E allora avverrà... Una nuova guerra in Medio Oriente divampa improvvisa, le grandi potenze navali si fronteggiano ostili nel Mediterraneo; la situazione è tesa”.
E aggiunse che, però, la vera scintilla della Terza Guerra Mondiale sarebbe scoppiata altrove: "Mi pare che sia nei Balcani... Vedo uno "grosso" cadere, un pugnale …עוד